Dr. Aydan Aybat Nefesli Founding Partner, Chairwoman of the Board, Responsible Auditor

Dr. Aydan Aybat Nefesli

She started her audit career in one of the four largest audit companies in the world in 2013. She took part in the audit of companies operating in the production and service sectors, most of which are in the ISO 500. Her experience has contributed to the preparation of financial statements in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards, to perform the audit of financial statements in line with Independent Audit Standards, and to the creation or audit of the internal control systems of companies.

She took part in the establishment of Arnef in 2019 and became the Chairwoman of the Board of Directors. She has CPA license, KGK Independent Auditor Certificate and Independent Audit License in the Capital Market. She has two papers published in international platform. She had language education in London and knows advanced level of English. In 2023, with her doctoral thesis on the Measurement of Financial Information Manipulation, she completed her doctorate in Mersin University Department of Business Administration and received the degree of  "doctor of philosophy (phd)".


Yaşar Umut Nefesli
Yaşar Umut Nefesli

Partner, Responsible Auditor

Ramazan Aybat
Ramazan Aybat

Founding Partner, Vice Chariman of the Board, Responsible Auditor
